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Common Questions About Window Tinting in Palm Coast, FL

Here at Pro Tint LLC, we offer professional window tinting for vehicles, homes, and commercial buildings in Palm Coast, FL. Tinting can enhance the appearance of your windows and provide lasting comfort and protection from the harmful effects of direct sunlight. Customers considering getting their windows tinted have a lot to consider before hiring a professional. The following addresses common questions about our window tinting services:

Not only does window tinting enhance the appearance of your windows, but it offers added privacy and protection from heat and glare.

We apply a thin adhesive film to the inside of the windows. This film is designed to reduce the amount of light and heat that passes through, providing comfort, protection, and privacy.

Our professionals use a special application process and expert tools to ensure that your window tinting has a clean, smooth finish. DIY window tinting cannot achieve the same quality or long-lasting results. We also ensure the window tinting follows state laws and regulations.

First, we prep your window with chemical agents to get it perfectly clean. Then we apply the film and remove air bubbles and moisture. We use a squeegee and special blow dryer that emits hot air at a specific temperature to mold the film and activate the adhesive. Lastly, we trim the edges with specialized tools to create a clean, sharp edge.

Metalized window films contain tiny metallic particles that interfere with wireless radio transmission including cell signals, GPS signals, and other wireless connections. Other window films don’t have this problem.

Our window tinting enhances the appearance and comfort of your windows and reduces glare and heat. Tinting your windows protects from harmful UV rays, increases privacy, and keeps the indoors cool. It also helps shatter-proof your windows from stressors and blunt force. In a car, tinting creates a better driving experience.

This depends on the application and location of your windows. 70% is the lightest and a great option for front windshields. It reduces glare and heat while retaining high visibility. 50% gives greater light and heat reduction. 35%-20% provides moderate to significant heat reduction and privacy, but makes it harder to see at night. Known as blackout, 5-15% is the darkest tint available and offers the most heat and glare reduction.

Ceramic tinting blocks up to 90% of infrared heat, whereas crystalline blocks up to 97%. Ceramic films with higher heat rejection performance protect the glass from thermal stress and ensure long-lasting adhesive.

Gloss tinting film provides a brilliant protective layer with a shiny and reflective surface that is sure to attract attention. Matte offers the same protection with a more understated and subtle appearance.

When window film is self-healing, it means it can restore itself to its original state after getting scratched. Self-healing film consists of several layers bonded together. When these layers heat up, the particles reorganize to dispel the scratch.

Even with a quality professional application, improper care can lead to bubbling, peeling, or discoloration. After tinting, it’s important to be gentle with the windows and avoid rough handling. Be sure to leave the windows closed for at least three days and don’t clean them for 30 days. Always use gentle cleansers and avoid abrasive materials. Be careful with sharp tools and keep the volume low on aftermarket sound systems.

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Safer, Smoother Windows for a Better View